
Legendary Metal Coins season 6

Created by Drawlab

Legendary Metal Coins are back for season 6! More than 50 thematic coin sets to enrich your gaming collection & make your games shine.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

New stretch Goals, new reviews and more
almost 4 years ago – Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 09:47:33 AM

Hey everyone,

It's the end of the week and we're excited for the next ones to come. 

Since the previous update, 2 more Stretch Goals were unlocked!

2 free coins were added in all Standard sets (including the new Forged ones). Now each set consists of 26 sets instead of 24 including: 10 copper, 9 silver and 7 gold! And we're on our way to add 1 more coin, a copper one for an increase at 27! 

New Reviews

We love finding out what other people think about our games so we send them to reviewers around the globe that are interested to tell us what they think. We are glad they enjoyed the coins so much and you can see, read or hear their reviews on the links below

Meeple Town- video review

Pudgy Cat Games- Written Review with Photos

A review of the campaign with lots of great photos

Desks and Dorks- a podcast

Evangelos sat down with Riley from Desks and Dorks podcast talking about our coins campaign, our newest game Fired Up, Drawlab and much more. We had a great time chatting and we think you'll enjoy listening it. Check it out here:

Click here to listen to the podcast

That's all for today, thank you all for your early support, we had some great first days, unlocking 4 stretch goals already and reaching up to the 2nd position on the Kicktraq Hotlist. We're really excited to see how many more Stretch Goals we will unlock together.

Have a great weekend!

~Thank you for your support~

    Drawlab Entertainment

Day 1 is over- Record broken and 2 Stretch Goals already unlocked!
almost 4 years ago – Wed, Mar 24, 2021 at 06:00:30 PM

Hey everyone,

Thank you all for joining our campaign on Day 1! It is the biggest day 1 of any of our campaigns with more backers (814) and funding (£33,869) than any other campaign! You rock!

Stretch Goals unlocked!

This record helped us unlocked 2 Stretch Goals already.

This means that all backers will get the Season 6 exclusive coin, this will be given only to backers of this campaign and will never be manufactured again after it's done. 

We also unlocked the Forged Sherlock coin set for all the investigators out there!

You can select it as any other Standard set and backers of either Collector set will get these 3 coins in their pledge for free. 

And don't forget, you are already getting a free Mystery coin since you joined the campaign within the first 48 hours so you're getting that one on top 😉

Also, we wanted to thank you for clicking on the Kicktraq image that much, it helped us become the 3rd Hottest campaign of all Kickstarter!

Clicking on the image and then Visit project helps us climb even further

That's all for now, let us know what you think of the Sherlock coin set, it's one we're very interested to see how you'll use. Will you add it in the detective Sherlock games as tokens? Maybe convert them to different investigative games (based on Lovecraft or Dresden files perhaps)? Something else? 

~Thank you all for your support~

         Drawlab Entertainment

Funded in 90 minutes!
almost 4 years ago – Wed, Mar 24, 2021 at 02:39:53 AM

Welcome everyone!

We are incredibly excited starting this campaign, we are feeling very confident of our 9 new designs and it's such a pleasure seeing all of you supporting us already. 

Thanks to you we're already breaking records and we're only 200 minutes in the campaign. This is already the strongest Day 1 of any of our campaigns ever and we can start talking about Stretch Goals very early.

As you can see on the image above, we are already on course to unlock the first Stretch Goal, the unique season 6 coin, which will be only available here and be given to all backers for free. Immediately afterwards we have a new coin set to be unlocked, the Sherlock coin set!  And there are more Stretch Goals planned after that as well (can't spoil all the surprises so soon). 

How to Help us unlock more Stretch Goals

You have already done more than enough! By backing our campaign, and especially in Day 1, you have already helped us tremendously and as a result we are already funded (hooray again)! 

However, if you do want to help out even more, these are the most effective ways you can do that:

1. Help us Unlock the Social Stretch Goal.

If you click on the image below you'll see our main Facebook post about the campaign. If you share this post it'll help us generate more awareness to social media and also reach more Stretch Goals. If we reach 50 shares during the campaign we'll give a free Mystery Coin to all backers as a thank you.  

Click here to share the campaign post

2.  Click on Kicktraq

Kicktraq is a website that's tracking Kickstarter projects. The more people click about our project there the more eyeballs it will direct in our campaign. To achieve that you'll need to click the image below and then click Visit Campaign.

3. Tell your friends

If you think that a friend of yours might also be interested in our coins tell them about the campaign. This way you might impress them with our coins and help us unlock more Stretch Goals. Win win!

Wanna connect more?

We try to be always active on social media but during the Kickstarter campaigns we tend to be even more responsive. We plan to make livestream videos, chats about favorite coin sets or games and more. If this sounds fun, you can participate:

1. In our Discord channel

2. In our Facebook Group or follow our Facebook page

3. Follow us on Twitter

4. Follow us on Instagram

We might even post on TikTok for the first time 🤪

That's all for now, let us know if you have any questions about the campaign. Also feel free to ask us what coins we would recommend for your favorite game (we love answering that). 

Have a great day

~Thank you for your support~

      Drawlab Entertainment