Legendary Metal Coins are back for season 6!
More than 50 thematic coin sets to enrich your gaming collection & make your games shine.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Shipping update- current status
about 2 years ago
– Sat, Dec 17, 2022 at 02:58:25 AM
Hey everyone,
quick shipping update before the weekend.
Bridge (USA/Canada) has managed to sort lots of issues with stock. Not everything is perfect and there are still coins missing from the transport from QML to Bridge (see update #24 for reference) but they are reviewing the orders daily and will continue shipping at a greater speed. This week was the biggest activity we've seen in a bit with 56 orders getting sent and it looks like there are 200-300 more getting shipped within the next 2 weeks.
Gamesquest continues to ship things out but it does take a lot of time. They had requested some missing coins from us but after receiving and indexing the requested coins, they are still missing a few coins that were required from the collector sets. We do not know why they did not ask for them to begin with but we have asked them to continue shipping orders as fast as they can and we will replace any missing coins ourselves with additional shipments from Greece. It will be more expensive for us but, the few that will receive orders with 1-5 missing coins, will get in much faster.
Happyshops gave us a list of orders that they couldn't support and we are packing them ourselves, ready to ship them from our office in Greece. Some of them have already been shipped and we are still working on them to fulfil all the orders ourselves. We expect every backer from EU that hadn't receive their coins will have them within weeks.
Thank you all for your patience. It has been a long and bumpy road but we are working daily on finding solutions to problems as they appear. Our partners are also doing their best in this process, even if we have occassional delays or slower communication than we would ideally want. Please be considerate of them and bear in mind that especially for fulfilment it is the busiest time of the year because of all the Black Friday and holiday sales that are generating much more traffic to all shipping lanes.
We are here to get you your coins as soon as possible, feel free to ask any questions at [email protected] or comment on the Kickstarter page and we will respond to you.
Thank you for your patience and your support,
Drawlab Entertainment
New Fulfilment update & Last call for season 7
over 2 years ago
– Thu, Nov 17, 2022 at 09:20:04 AM
Hey everyone,
We hope you are all doing well. We're glad seeing people posting about receiving their coins and we are working hard to make sure the rest of you will receive your coins too. We have been working on the new, season 7 campaign but, as we told you in the past few updates, our priority is to give you your coins, so we are touching base with all 3 fulfilment houses daily. We had some news today and yesterday so here's the current status:
USA/ Canada/ Australia
Bridge received and indexed the new coins from QML. Unfortunately, there are still missing coins that, from what we can tell, were either lost is transit during the big transfer between QML and Bridge due to the awful packing, or that QML still has some coins in their warehouse. This will affect some orders, but in their majority, it will be 1-2 missing coins or a missing velvet bag. We don't want you to wait any longer so we decided to give Bridge the green light to start shipping everything they have, even if that means we will have to pay out of our pockets to ship another package to you. The coins that are missing will be fulfilled later, probably by us shipping them directly from Greece.
Even doing that will need some time to be processed since they need to manually note the changes in their system before actually shipping the coins. We will update you as soon as we know what the timeline looks like. The orders that are complete will be shipped right away. We still don't know how many these are.
We had a call with Gamesquest today and we discussed the status of the project. We are currently waiting from them an email with all the orders that are to be shipped and then they'll start the process by the end of the week. There were a few issues that we clarified for them as well. We'll update you as soon as we hear back.
We thought EU shipment had been 100% completed but after receiving some comments and discussing with Happyshops we found a few backers that were not shipped as we thought. We are currently finishing these, some will be shipped from Happyshops and some will be shipped directly from our facilities in Greece.
Season 7 Campaign
The season 7 campaign ends in less than 24 hours so we wanted to remind you to join, if you are interested. Every backer that answered the call for help and supported us financially to ship the Season 6 campaign will get an extra, exclusive coin for free if they join the season 7 campaign as promised. You can find the campaign by clicking the image below.
Shipping update- small delay
over 2 years ago
– Thu, Nov 17, 2022 at 05:00:14 AM
Hello everyone,
we have an update for you. Unfortunately we faced another delay fulfilling the project in USA/Canada and last week Bridge wasn't able to ship any new packages. As you remember from Update #24 the pallets arrived damaged from QML to Bridge.
This initially caused Bridge longer time to process the receiving of the coins and we decided to start shipping the packages while indexing the inventory. Unfortunately after the inventory was done we were missing many coins, some that were damaged during transport and we could work repacking them but more than there were nowhere to be found. We reached out again at QML and to our surprise there were indeed coins that they didn't ship over to Bridge. We arranged them to be shipped as soon as possible and 6 cartons of coins arrived in Bridge on Friday.
The plan now is to index these early this week and continue shipping immediately afterwards. They'll provide me more information about the timeline during the week and we will transfer the news to you.
Gamesquest has received the coins for a while now but they had trouble processing them and are still indexing them manually. Their last update was "Currently I am matching the [Kickstarter] orders to the bags [of coins received], which is a manual task." As soon as we know when they get shipped we will update again.
That's all for now, we hope we will have more news soon.
Thank you for your support
Drawlab Entertainment
Shipping Update- Shipping is almost over- A few words from Drawlab
over 2 years ago
– Mon, Oct 24, 2022 at 04:52:30 AM
Hey everyone,
we hope you are all having an amazing weekend. It has been quite a ride to get the coins to backers hands but today we are excited to post that the fulfilment has started and we are even seeing the finishing line!
Bridge has had quite some time indexing the coins since the situation was even worse that they initially estimated. The pallets not only arrived in bad shape due to the inefficient packaging but they were also labelled all wrong. The box labeled as Pirate coins actually had Medieval coins, sets were destroyed in packages and as they informed us "Due to the damages and such we basically have to disassemble and rebuild the packs on a lot of this, and that is going to take a lot of extra time. I just want to make you aware of this as it will go beyond simple pick and pack fulfillment to make it right."
We had daily updates from Bridge but due to the complexity and issues that they needed to double-check with us daily we can't get a solid update about the time it will take to fulfil all the orders. They started shipping packages on the Friday the 14th and so far they have shipped 202 orders, consisting of a total of 2856 items. Most of the orders have been shipped to the USA but we had a few packages sent to backers in Canada and Asia. There are a total of 1022 orders that are to be shipped from Bridge but we hope that since they have now organized the coins after receiving them, they will be able to ship more than 200 orders per week.
Coins are organized now in Bridge
Shipments getting prepared
Dice Bags and pouches are also ready to be shipped
Coins are packaged and waiting to be picked up by couriers and USPS
The packages in the UK are in Gamesquest but we weren't able to get them to ship them this week. They have received all they need (files, coins and payment) so we hope they will ship everything within the next few days. We will keep trying to push this forward daily.
Happyshops sent the final packages for EU backers this week. We believe 100% of the coin orders in EU have been shipped now. If you are in EU and have not received your order or a notification that your coins are on the way please get in touch with us at [email protected]
Legendary Metal Coins Season 7
Now that more than 70% of the total orders have been shipped, we will start working again on launching the season 7 campaign soon.
A few words of appreciation
We learnt a lot of valuable lessons about international fulfillment in season 6 and unfortunately and unwillingly dragged you with us during this trip. We regret that the journey was longer than expected (especially for the US backers) and that our communication wasn't as regular as we or you would have liked. We could have posted more but we were also trying to post fact we knew were solid and post estimations only when they were well researched. We did make miscalculations, especially on timelines, and we could have chosen better partners at the beginning. It has been painful and costly for us and we can not thank you enough for sticking with us during the journey. We lost money that you helped us recover and give to Bridge to complete this shipment thanks to the call for help a few updates ago.
We were frustrated and sad with the situation on QML and we had backers reaching out to us personally to sympathize with us even though their own orders were affected. This has been beyond any value.
We hope that in our future projects we will be able to give back to you a portion of that positivity we got from you. We hope that the remaining 30% of the pledges will be shipped before the end of October and we will do everything that we can to make this happen. We hope that you will continue trusting small Kickstarter creators trying to bring something new and beautiful in this world even if things turn south.
Thank you for your support and your trust. You are the ones that help us make games and gaming for the whole world to enjoy.
With all the gratitude in the world,
Evangelos, Stelios, Stavros
Drawlab Entertainment
Shipping update- Coins transferred to Bridge
over 2 years ago
– Sun, Oct 02, 2022 at 05:09:42 AM
Hey everyone,
we have a new shipping update for you all.
To start with, we want to sincerely thank you all for answering our call-for-help. With the support of 799 amazingbackers, we raised a considerable amount that will cover part of the increase cost of the shipment. That amount was charged on Tuesday and we have paid the deposit to Bridge to ship all the pledges.
We really are grateful for this help to all 799 of you! If there are more of you who would like to contribute, the form is still open, and you can find it here.
USA- Canada Shipment
After the agreement with QML to ship everything to Bridge around the 20th of August, all our stock was moved from Florida to Bridge Fulfilment. The stock was received on Tuesday, 27th of September, but unfortunately not in a good condition.
The shipment included 11 pallets. 6 of them arrived in the condition you see above, 1 of them broke completely due to the weight.
According to fulfilment experts, both the stacking and the wrapping of each pallet was insufficient and caused this.
As you can imagine we are very saddened with this situation and worried about what the condition of our coins (and games) that were included. Thankfully, we had the packages insured (since there are hurricanes around Florida right now) and we will try to claim any damages back. We are hopeful that even if there are damages to the coins it won't affect the stock we have available for the shipments.
The shipment also includes all the dice bags, velvet pouches and dice sets, for the Legendary Dice Bags Campaign, so Bridge will fulfil both campaigns simultaneously.
Right now, Bridge is checking the inventory and they believe they will need at least a week to complete this. That means they will need until October 14th, the earliest.
UK Shipment
The missing coins for the UK shipment are on the way to Gamesquest. This is a small package that we expect will be received by the start of the following week and then Gamesquest will be able to ship the orders. We are not sure if they can start shipping immediately or if they will do it after Essen. They will let us know after they have received the package and we will update you then!
That's all for now.
Thank you, once again, for supporting us and answering our call for help. We're glad we have our US stock in Bridge now and we are hopeful that before too long you will have your coins.