
Legendary Metal Coins season 6

Created by Drawlab

Legendary Metal Coins are back for season 6! More than 50 thematic coin sets to enrich your gaming collection & make your games shine.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

New footage- coins getting ready
over 3 years ago – Sat, Sep 25, 2021 at 02:45:38 AM

Hi everyone,

We are back with a new update since production is advancing and we have more cool pictures for you!

Today we have a new samples from production in our hands with more than 100 of the coins reaching the finalized stage of production.

In this step we are checking if anything needs to be altered in the finishing of the coins while proceeding with the mass production. There are a few things that we feel will need some fine-tuning but in general we are very happy with these samples.

We are still in schedule but we are getting worried while listening scary stories about shipping delays and costs going up. As soon as we have accurate estimations on the day the whole production will be complete we will be able to arrange freight shipment to the fulfilment centers around the world that will deliver you the coins. Our plan still is to deliver the coins to all of you in November and we hope that we will make it happen. 

We will update you again as soon as we have news on production and shipping! 

A special offer for you

Today we also have a special offer for you, all the backers of the Legendary Metal Coins campaign. If you follow us on social media or have subscribed to our newsletter you'll definitely know about the Legendary Dice Bags campaign we launched on Gamefound yesterday! 

In the campaign we are presenting our new dice bags and dice sets. We are very proud with them since they are both durable and have a velvet feel but we are working with some really talented illustrators that did a fabulous job illustrating them. 

We have designed the Legendary Dice Bags with the coins also in mind since you can fit 120 Legendary metal coins (4 sets) in 1 bag or even store the coins in thematic bags according to the coin themes!

Click here to check out the campaign

We would also like to offer all the backers of the Legendary Metal Coins campaign our bags with free shipping (worldwide)! If you back the Legendary Dice Bags campaign you have the option to receive them together when they're both ready saving you the shipping costs!

Click here to join our campaign.

Let us know what you think of the production. We hope you're as excited as we are with the progress made!

  Thank you for your support

   ~Drawlab Entertainment~

Production Update
over 3 years ago – Fri, Aug 27, 2021 at 11:26:57 PM

Hey everyone,

It's been a while since our last update, sorry about that.  

Current status

We mentioned on our campaign page that if we needed to do a bigger production we had already arranged a partnership to help us make the coins in the same premium quality without delaying the delivery. After submitting your orders in Backerkit and after receiving orders from distributors and retailers we work with we discovered that we need to deliver about 400,000 coins before the end of the year! So yeah, it's good we had this partnership going already. The first thing we needed to do is make molds for both the new coins and the classic ones. 

Second thing we needed to do is grab and melt some zinc. This zinc will be later cast into coins using the molds:

This is what melting zinc looks like. It's an older photo but a really cool one ^^

After the zinc is in liquid form we are casting it to the mold and this is what comes out:

Afterwards we need to smoothen the coin and plate the corresponding color(copper, silver or gold) and add the enamel on top. 

At the moment it's still not clear when the production will be over, we have encountered some delays that we are resolving now and we're still hopeful that you will all have the coins in November as planned. 

In the meanwhile, our developing team has prepared the new wave of our Legendary Dice Bags! We are really hyped with how they look and we will launch a new campaign for then in about a month on Gamefound, a different platform. You will all have the option to receive the dice bags without any shipping fees if you're willing to combine the orders. Also if you follow the campaign, you will get a free dice set!

Click on the image to see our campaign page and click follow to claim your free dice set!

That's all the news we have for you now. We hope we will soon have news about the shipping, we have already been getting quotes to make sure we won't lose time to arrange.

Thank you for helping us make beautiful gaming accessories!

 Thank you for your support

~Drawlab Entertainment~ 

Final week to submit your pledges! Let's see some cool stats
almost 4 years ago – Thu, May 27, 2021 at 02:16:58 PM

Hey everyone,

today's update is one we enjoy making! We have gathered your preferences and we can now see which coins are your favorites, how well liked the new designs are and how well our classics hold the test of time! 

Backerkit closing on May 31

We have gathered 1660 responses (76% of the backers), so we do have enough data to see what's happening. We do want to urge the remaining 24% of the backers to complete your pledges ASAP since this is the last week! On May 31st we are locking down Backerkit and collecting payments so if you haven't completed your pledges by then there is a high chance to receive your coins later in the future. If you need help completing your pledge please get in touch through a Kickstarter message or an email at [email protected].

Custom Sets Issue

Before diving into the stats there is another matter that we wanted to communicate with you. All Custom sets backers get 21 coins for the value of £19. To reflect this on Backerkit we offered £2 to all Custom set backers so that you can select the 2 additional coins of the pledge. To benefit from the discount you'll need to upgrade your pledge to contain at least £21 worth of coins so if you used this credit for a different product or to cover shipping fees your pledge will not be processed correctly. Let us know if you need help fixing that.

Fun with stats

Now with all the technicalities out of the way, let's have some fun with stats! 

Since all backers are able to select individual coins, either part of their custom sets or as Add-Ons, we have collected the data of every coin that was selected additionally. Here's the Top 20!

As you can see by far the most popular coin was the gold coin from the new Forged Dragon set, being selected 307 times! It's very typical seeing gold coins in these charts (9 gold, 7 silver , 4 copper) since we have less gold in each set but also because we try to make the gold coin of each set the most impressive among them. Also we're very happy to see that 9/20 coins are from this new season (mostly Forged coins but also the gold coin from the Norse Gods set are up there). 

This chart is an estimation of the coins that we will need to produce from each set. We've combining all the coins from both the Standard, Custom and Collector Sets and we have compiled the list of the 20 most popular coins, with the new Forged coin sets completely dominating your selections. It looks like we will need to manufacture 18,000 coins of the Forged Dragon coin set and more than 10,000 coins for both the Forged Dwarven and Forged Cultist sets. The new Atlantis coin set and the Adventure Potions are also in the Top-10 with the Norse Gods coin set and the Adventure Weapons being in the Top 10-20 positions.  

It's always important for us seeing that you like the new coins that we make so we're happy that you like them so much. It is also very satisfying seeing coins from our very first season still occupying positions in the list (Pirate coin set, Dragon coin set, Elven coin set, Far East coin set, Orc coin set). 

That's all for today, let us know if you have any questions about the data. Let us know what surprised you! What coin sets did you expect to see in the Top 20 list but are missing? Which ones surprised you being there?

Also, don't forget that the Backerkit pledge manager is closing. Make sure you've completed yours, that your address is correct and the credit card information is completed. Let us know if you have any questions, we're here to help!

~Thank you for your support~

    Drawlab Entertainment

The Pledge Manager is live!
almost 4 years ago – Thu, May 13, 2021 at 01:16:56 AM

Hey everyone,

The pledge manager is now live! 

You will find the invitation to your personalized pledge manager link on your mail as well with a link to the guide that we wrote highlighting the procedure.  It's image heavy with examples :)

You can find this guide in our website too, here. Please give it a read before completing your pledge manager, especially if you backed a Custom Set or if you added any Add Ons already through Kickstarter.

We would like to have the information about your pledges as soon as possible so please complete it by the deadline, May 31st.

We have done our best to offer you a smooth experience and we've tested it quite a bit with the help of the Backerkit staff. If you do however find yourself puzzled about anything, just send us a message here or an email at [email protected]

~Thank you for your support~

    Drawlab Entertainment

Post campaign update- Next steps
almost 4 years ago – Thu, Apr 22, 2021 at 01:09:13 AM

Hey everyone,

It's been a week since the campaign ended and we are really happy with the support we got from you. 

The hard work has already began, preparing the molds and getting ready to start the production. At the same time, we're also preparing the pledge manager, Backerkit so let's talk a bit more about that!

Backerkit- Our pledge manager

The campaign might be over but we still need some information from you; you need to tell us what coins you would like to receive and where you want them shipped. To do so in style (especially in campaigns with so much selection as the Legendary metal coins) we use a pledge manager, an external platform where you can make all the selections easily and more importantly safely. 

We have almost completed the process of completing it and we plan to launch Backerkit within the next 2 weeks, probably either April 29th or the 4th of May-  (May the 4th be with you). 

When it's launched we will also post a how-to-use guide in our website to help you out. 

Subscribe to our Newsletter

We have more projects that we believe you will enjoy, including another premium game accessories (not coins) launching during the summer! 

To make sure you won't miss out, you can subscribe to our newsletter here

Kingdoms of Hârn: Kaldor Hardcover

We just backed a cool RPG Kicktarter campaign. Kingdoms of Hârn has been running for years and Columbia Games are now offering a cool hardback. If you enjoy fantasy RPGs as much as we do you need to have a look on that, just make sure you do so fast since the campaign ends tomorrow. 

That's all for now, let us know if you have any questions.

~Thank you for your support~

     Drawlab Entertainment